Thursday, June 12, 2014


I was more tired than I thought coming home from Italy.  I expected to be tired, but the first day or two I was on such a high from the trip, the racing, the post-analysis, that I thought I had the energy to just jump back into normal training.  12 hours of training later, and it all caught up to me... I went out to do some vetting of an orienteering course that we're hosting next fall, and boy was that tough. I kept running face-first into cobwebs, and choking on pollen, and there were blackflies and mosquitoes trailing me, and I couldn't read my map or figure out the terrain.  This is just the sign of a day when you should have stayed in bed, and doesn't actually mean that orienteering sucks.  Actually, I like it.  But not that day. I did not go back to that terrain on Sunday, even though I had more vetting work to do. I took my mountain bike out for some fun, and was it ever fun!  Much nicer to be able to out-ride the bugs.

Yes, I'm leaning against a tree trying to catch my breath. this bike riding stuff is hard!

Hello, beautiful, remember me?

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